Singing Guide: Felicia Finley

Singing Guide: Felicia Finley

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Felicia Finley is an accomplished singer and actress, having starred in many Broadway productions such as "The Wedding Singer," "Mamma Mia!," "Aida," and "Smokey Joe's Cafe." To learn to sing like Felicia Finley, it is important to focus on developing a rich and powerful chest voice, with the ability to incorporate stylistic phrasing and runs.

One of Felicia's most iconic performances is her rendition of "I'm a Woman" from Smokey Joe's Cafe. In this song, Felicia showcases her strong vocal range and powerful belting ability, all while incorporating playful and sultry phrasing. To learn this song effectively, Singing Carrots' vocal training exercises can help. You can start with the Vocal Range Test to determine your own vocal range and see how you match up against Felicia. The search songs feature can also help you find other songs within your range and skill level.

It is also important to work on proper breathing techniques to support strong and sustained notes, as addressed in articles such as Breath Support and Active and Passive Breathing. Additionally, developing good posture and learning to open up your mouth and throat while singing can help you achieve a rich and powerful tone, as discussed in the article How Posture Affects Your Singing and Open Mouth & Throat.

Finally, Singing Carrots offers a 21-lesson singing course, covering singing theory and practical tips. This course can provide a great foundation for developing your singing skills and help you achieve the stylistic phrasing and runs that are a hallmark of Felicia Finley's unique vocal style.

To recap, to learn to sing like Felicia Finley, focus on developing your chest voice, incorporating stylistic phrasing and runs, and working on breathing techniques, posture, and opening up your mouth and throat while singing. Use Singing Carrots' resources such as the Vocal Range Test, song search feature, singing course, and relevant articles and exercises to help you achieve your goals.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.